
Peter Colis

Lingke Wang



Ethos is modernizing the life insurance process, making getting coverage easy and accessible for millions of families. Using the power of technology and predictive analytics, Ethos breaks down barriers that prevent customers from purchasing life insurance, including underwriting in minutes with no medical exams, blood tests or complex paperwork. Ethos turns a process that used to take weeks into a ten-minute experience for most customers.

“Entrepreneurship is a journey of a thousand miles started by someone who doesn’t know how long a thousand miles is. The easy times do not hone your craft of execution and leadership, nearly as much as the difficult times and decisions do. It is not guaranteed that the qualities that got you through today are the same ones that will make you successful tomorrow. You need to consistently earn the privilege of leading a team as talented and dedicated as ours.”
Peter Colis, CEO & Co-Founder
Series B
Series C
Series D
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